Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Sam's Star

Since January 2018 I've been logging my steps, "journeying with Sam and Frodo" with the Walk to Morder app. I've found it hardest during the long middle sections where it doesn't seem like a lot is happening, and tend to look forward most to the milestones that align with favorite moments from the books. Sam's star has been the one I've been waiting for since the beginning. It's one of my favorite moments not only in Lord of the Rings but in literature as a whole.

I reached it today. I also found out today that Vanessa has stage four metastasized osteosarcoma and has 6-24 months to live. Tomorrow is her thirtieth birthday.

It seems a cruel joke to reach a milestone that's all about hope in the darkest of circumstances on a day like today. But I do sincerely believe that there is light and high beauty forever beyond the Shadow's reach. Even on days when the clouds don't part and I can't see it.

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