Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Look Up

I'll take the blue skies with the grey
There's beauty in each hour
Look up no matter what they say
Hope is both pain and power
The sun gives life, the rain gives life
We need both in their measure
I'll take the splendor with the strife
The labor with the leisure

I'll take the tragic with the gay
The fertile with the barren
"Look up no matter what they say"?
It seems a fool's errand
For days are long, and nights are long
The Earth won't cease its spinning
I'll take the silence with the song
The end with the beginning

I'll take joy resplendent, sorrow bare,
Grief that consumes like fire
But I will not accept despair
Because it is a liar
Look up no matter what they say
Hope is both pain and power
And given time, and sun, and rain
A seed becomes a flower

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