Thursday, May 20, 2021

Bath Mat


you called out

“Do you work here?”

and you told me

“I need a bath mat.”

and I pointed to the back wall

and said, “There they are, 

down below all the towels.”

“NOT A TOWEL!” you snarled. 

“Bath mat. M-A-T. 

You know what a bath mat is, don’t you?”

Like I was the stupidest person in the entire world.

And I need you to know that

while today

I loaded up that mini-fridge for you

Climbed the ladder in the back room to retrieve 

that one kind of special rice cooker you wanted 

Broke down over a hundred boxes

Unwrapped every individual spoon

Gathered up your used Starbucks cups

Chirped “absolutely” and “let me scan that for you”

dozens and dozens of times

once, I was a king.


years ago, I stood on a mountain top

and all the world was still.

The green hills spread on all sides around me

The river shone like a mirror reflecting the wide pale sky

The road snaked down in both directions until it 

disappeared in the folds of the lowlands

I felt the magnetic pull of ancient dirt beneath my feet

And my heart was a full-throated song

So yes,

Here are the bath mats.

I do know what that word means.

Can I help you find anything else?

Let me check if we have it in the back.

I’m so sorry but we’re actually out of that.

No, you can’t buy the display model.

Pardon me while I just squeeze through here.

Hope you have a nice day!

There was a flower that grew by the roadside

on that day 

up high on that mountain

As a king I could have crushed it

but no wise king ever would.